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Monday, September 24, 2012

Mexico Will Learn Estates and Investment..

MEDAN :The rapid advancement of agriculture and plantation sector in North Sumatra apparently appealing to Mexico. Sombrero Affairs said it wants to learn these two areas of North Sumatra.

Not only that, the countries in the Americas were also interested in investing in SEZ Sei Mangkei.

Related to this issue, the Acting Gubsu Billy Pudjo Nugroho invites Mexican entrepreneurs and investors to come invest in Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Sei Mangkei, Simalungun District is the center of the downstream processing of palm oil in the Simalungun District.

It is said to Billy, KEK, which is part of the Master Plan to Accelerate Economic Development Indonesia (MP3EI), it is one of the economic development center based in Sumatra and North Sumatra, precisely Simalungun district, about 150 km from Medan.

"Meeting with the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and his entourage Mexico, Friday (21/9) and at the Office Gubsu, widely expected to be the beginning of cooperation with Mexico in particular Indonesia North Sumatra Province." said Billy, Sunday (23/09/2012).

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