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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

300 Hectares of programmed Rejuvenation Oil Palm Plantations

BENGKULU- Plantation Office of Bengkulu Province programmed rejuvenation of 300 hectares of oil palm plantations owned by the community in that area in 2012.

"We have been programmed rejuvenation of community-owned oil palm plantation of 300 hectares in 2012," said Secretary of Plantation Office of Bengkulu province Ahmad M, Sunday.

He explained that the rejuvenation of hundreds of hectares of oil palm plantations owned by the community will be held in North Bengkulu with the use of funds Budget Bengkulu Province.

The purpose of rejuvenation of hundreds of hectares of oil palm plantations to replace the oil palm plantation owned by the community that do not produce anymore so expect the production of oil palm fruit in Bengkulu Province could rise.

Currently oil palm plantation area owned by the community in Bengkulu Province covering an area of ​​390,338 hectares with a potential production of 605,993 tons per year.

"In addition to old-old tree, the constraints of the increased production of oil palm fruit in Benguet are still many farmers who use seed that is not labeled," he said.

He added, there are still many farmers who use seed labeled with false or no reason for cheaper.

Price of oil palm seeds carelessly-Rp15.000 10,000 per stem while the price of seed labeled Rp25.000 per stem. To overcome these problems, Disbun programmed Bengkulu province will improve the delivery of oil palm seedlings for free each year, in order to increase farmers' welfare.
(jh / JH / bd-ant)

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