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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Legalization Protest Anti-Tobacco Bill

TEMANGGUNG-Action Close Pantura performed thousands of tobacco farmers as a form of protest against government policies that will certify Draft Anti-Tobacco. RPP wants to destroy the tobacco industry more than the national Kretek control agenda.

Thousands of tobacco farmers Thursday (22/12) took to the streets closed pantura action. Close Pantura action was held in four cities namely Waterford 8 thousand people in a junction Parakan, Kendal seven thousand people in a junction Weleri, Boyolali 1300 people at the office of Regent, 3,000 people in the streets of the Holy Ghost-Starch.
In his press statement, National Coordinator of Peasant Kretek Zulvan Kurniawan admitted, Action Close Pantura they do as a form of protest against government policies that will certify Draft Anti-Tobacco.

"Action Close Road is a last of the little people who no longer know where to complain .. This action should not be considered anarchist or other action, this is how we could do to defend our lives and families," he explained.

KNPK further assess the anti-tobacco RPP has actually contaminated anti-tobacco movement in Indonesia that has been financed by the industry body representing the interests of foreigners. So it was, more to the agenda of destroying the national Kretek industry than control agenda. And pemerintahpun, until recently, did not intend to provide protection to the interests of national Kretek industry.

"RPP want to destroy the tobacco industry more than the national Kretek control agenda. And pemerintahpun, until recently, did not intend to provide protection to the interests of national Kretek industry, "he said.

"The impact of anti-tobacco regulation is actually beneficial to the interests of foreign tobacco industry operating in Indonesia. While tobacco farmers are threatened by increased imports of tobacco and tobacco markets due to loss of lid thousands of local kretek factories, "said Zulvan added.

While the big industries that have dominated the foreign, because of its importance, preferring imported tobacco. Burdensome tax policies and provisions of advertisements, packaging and regions without a cigarette (KTR) is more pro-capital interests and not just, has destroyed the competitive opportunities of employers nationwide that culminate in Kretek lid Kretek thousands of factories nationwide. Meanwhile, limited access to capital which take incriminating clove farmers and entrepreneurs nationwide.

"Therefore, the elements - elements of society who are members of KNPK warned the government and Parliament, through the action of more than 15,000 mass Kretek to realize the threat and opportunities amid global anti-tobacco agenda," he concluded. (* / HRB)/I-D

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