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Monday, January 30, 2012

BATUBARA Counties Will The Investor Interest

BATUBARA :Coal County Government, North Sumatra, expressed optimism that the region will be increasingly attractive to investors, the government established the Port pascakeputusan Kuala Tanjung as a special economic zone.
"We are optimistic, the establishment of the Port of Kuala Tanjung into special economic zones will further encourage investors to invest in Coal County," said Secretary of Coal District, Erwin in the District of Fifty.

The existence of the Port of Kuala Tanjung in District Sei Suka, Coal District as a special economic zone (KEK), he added, would make the process of shipping goods and services in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) more quickly and efficiently.
The strategic position of the port directly opposite the Strait of Malacca, according to him, certainly helped encourage the interest of potential investors to develop various business sectors, including industry, plantations, agriculture and tourism services.
"For investors who want to develop business in Coal, we are always ready to provide ease of service in areas including licensing and strategic location," said Erwin.
He mentioned, that bloom in the district in 2006 from Asahan District there are two large-scale industrial companies, namely PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) and cooking oil processing plant owned by PT Multi Nabatimas Asahan.
Coal District is also potential for the development of oil palm plantations, cocoa and natural rubber.
In that area there is now oil palm plantation area covering 24 000 hectares more.
Palm plantations that are managed, among others, by State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), private national and foreign investment companies.
Erwin added, in the district will also be built along the railway line almost 21.5 kilo meters from the village of High Bandar, Kuala Simalungun District to the Port of Tanjung.
Railway line High-Bandar Kuala Tanjung, which will be used as a means of transport production from the Industrial Area in the District of Sei Mangkei Simalungun to Port.(B-D)

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