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Monday, January 30, 2012

Gapki: Indonesia Must Respond to Rejection CPO in the U.S.

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki) Fadhil Hasan said, the export value of crude palm oil (CPO), or crude palm oil and its derivatives to America very minimal, ie, only reaches 62 thousand tons of CPO and its products.

"Small is the year 2011, exports only 62 thousand tons of CPO and its products," said Fadhil to Tribunnews.com, in Jakarta, Monday (01/30/2012).

With the export value of about 68.2 million U.S. dollars.

This figure, according to him is much smaller when compared with the main destination countries Indonesia's CPO exports, namely India, European Union, and China.

To note, as the Chairman of Marketing Association of Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki), Susanto, in the event Reflection Oil Palm Industry 2011 and Outlook 2012, in Jakarta, Wednesday (04/01/2012) that the production of palm oil (CPO) was recorded of 23.5 million tonnes with an export value reached 16.5 million tons during 2011.

However, he maintained, although in a small number of exports, Gapki not look at one eye on the EPA's notification, the local authorities are concentrating on environmental issues, which rejected Indonesia's CPO in the United States.

Previously, the U.S. issued a decision through notifikasinya that crude palm oil (CPO), or crude palm oil from Indonesia and its derivatives should not be traded in negeranya.
This is due to Indonesia palm oil is not considered environmentally friendly.

"Actually, they've filed it about two weeks ago. Today we can confirm that the new EPA Noda, namely the local authorities concerned on environmental issues. Noda EPA came out today, if in America, yesterday (01/27/2012 ), "said Vice Minister of Commerce Krisnamurthi, last weekend.

On that, he should be addressed by stakeholders palm. Now, it is in the process of responding to the data, assumptions, and models that the U.S. developed.(TRib)

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