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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rubber Seed Procurement in West Aceh Still Minimal

BANDA ACEH-Realization of rubber seedling in West Aceh, Aceh Province, in 2011 only 44.08 per cent which was originally targeted evenly distributed to 2483 farmers with an area of ​​1305 hectares planted.
Head of Department of Forestry and Plantations in West Aceh Meulaboh Justin Helmi, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 saying, rubber seed distribution projects of special autonomy funds are handled 12 partners and nine of his employment contract had to be decided.

"This policy, we take after seeing the results of a professional team hand over (PHO) that this is indeed the work of nine partners can not be extended, because it can not show good results," he said.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the PHO team Danil Adrial didampinggi Implementation Officer Technical Activities (PPTK) Saipul explain the termination of nine partners that already according to the procedure, because it targets the realization of project of special autonomy funds in 2011 was not like the previous discourse.
"These checks we have carried out starting from the examination hall till the last seed field where the rubber seedlings quarantine both administrative and inspection of goods," he said.
Described, the total contracted rubber seedlings at 12 partner pengandaan rubber seedlings are ready salur some 652 500 rods, the rods and 312,610 certified seed that is realizable by a certificate prepared salur 287,610 stems.
Only three partners capable of delivering 100 percent of the Acehnese Mighty CV, for the District of Johan Heroes, then CV Dara Meutuah for the District of Bubon and last CV Keubah Woyla Heroes for the District.
Meanwhile, nine other partners who decided the employment contract can only be realized on average 50 to 60 percent, such as distribution to farmers Meureubo District, Just Three, East Woyla, Arongan Lambalek, West and Kawai Woyla XIV.
Furthermore, for the District Pante Ceureumen, Panton Reu and River Mas with the candidate receiving the 588 people neither channeled, so that local governments are forced to take a wise step to decide the employment contract.
"Discourse distribution of rubber seedlings should be evenly into 12 sub-district, but with this incident farmers in nine districts in West Aceh, others did not get distribution in this year," he continued.(ANt)

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