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Monday, January 9, 2012

Productivity PTPN VII High Tea in Indonesia

BANDARLAMPUNG Productivity of tea gardens PTPN VII Pagaralam Business Unit that around 3 tons per hectare dry tea during 2011 was the highest nationally who average just 2.3 to 2.5 tonnes.

"The success is the fruit of consistency in production excavation by utilizing quotation machine," said PTPN VII president director Andi Punoko accompanied by Head of Public Relations and Protocol Sandri A Kamil in Bandarlampung, Sunday, January 8, 2012.
Of the total land area of 1430 ha, he added, is now 60 percent of tea gardens are located on the eastern slope of Mount Dempo is harvested by machine picking.

"We're trying to optimize the harvest by picking machines, at least the next few years could be over 70 percent," he said.

While the rest remained with the manual quotation or scissors, especially in the area bertopografi heavy, rugged with high levels of steepness.

Business Unit Manager explained Pagaralam Rudi Guntur, Business Unit Pagaralam to apply the machine pick in 2006 starting from 5 units and are now as many as 48 units.

"At first it is not easy, due to various constraints also accompany. Mechanization requires consistency, because if something goes wrong will damage the plants. We also do the plot to a certain slope to be harvested by machine picking," said Thunder.

Optimization of the quotation with the machine must also be balanced with treatment plants in accordance with the norms, especially fertilizer.

"With the engine, quotation schedule should be consistent. Thus, the plant must get sufficient supply of fertilizer in order to shoot out continues," he said.

Then who is also equally important is to motivate workers, encouraging them to rise together.

"Do not let any workers who are pessimistic. We should invite them to change the mindset that everything can be done if it is done properly and seriously," he said.(Ant)/Eksp

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