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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

PTPN IV : Achieves Highest Earnings Throughout History

Plantation PT Nusantara IV Achieves Highest Earnings Throughout History

MEDAN: Plantation PT Nusantara (PTPN) IV Field in 2011 recorded a profit before tax amounting to Rp1, 2 trillion or profits in the history of the company.

PTPN IV Managing Director Dahlan Harahap said the increased financial performance for the price of crude palm oil (crude palm oil / CPO) in the international market improves.
"Achievements earn a profit of Rp1, 2 trillion budget sebedar able to exceed 7.65 percent. While profitability in 2010 and then only Rp1, 1 trillion," he said dhadapan hundreds of employees in the event New Year 2012 in Medan Sunday, January 8, 2012.

According to him, still there is room or opportunity that can be upgraded in 2012, among others, improve productivity and yield of oil palm plantations.
He invites all stakeholders to reflect and reflection for a moment to the year 2011 which was passed, which is still much to be addressed in particular about the efficiency and productivity improvements that have not been able to achieve the company's work plan budget (RAKP).

Managing Director who has served since 2006 and was admitted a tremendous increase occurred in the total assets of the company. If in 2006 the total assets of PTPN IV is still about 3.7 trillion, then the end of 2011 reached Rp 7, 9 trillion consisting of productive plants and new plants are developed in Mandailing Natal.
If calculated, he explained, each year increasing the company's total assets by 20 percent which illustrates that state-run plantations always make improvements asset by opening up new areas and re-do planter. (Em)/

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