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Monday, February 6, 2012

APINDO :High confidence in Indonesia Business World

JAKARTA-Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) Chris Kanter said, surveying 2012 businesses in Indonesia have a high confidence level that reflects the positive domestic economy.
"The business confidence is high, it is important in running the economy, our country also has a fascination for the entry of foreign investors," Chris Kanter told a news conference the 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer survey in Jakarta, Monday (6/2).
He explained that the positive level of confidence in the business world will have a positive impact on foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country in the future.
According to him, Indonesia is a developing country that became the talk of foreign investor.
"The annual meeting of World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Indonesia became one of the developing countries are addressed," he said.
He added that the condition was a good opportunity for Indonesia to attract investors to invest in the country. Moreover, Indonesia's investment ratings are in a position worthy of investment (investment grade) will lead to foreign investors coming into the country.
"In a global level forum, the panelists discuss about Indonesia that can survive the current global crisis, therefore we must be ready. Today we are a 'prima donna of foreign investors," he said.
With a rating of "investment grade", he added, it is a homework for Indonesia, and infrastructure must be one of the priorities.
"We're into 'Investment grade', it's our homework, it's about the infrastructure of the greatest, and indeed every day people talk about infrastructure and the rule of law," he said.
Chris Kanter said infrastructure development should be prioritized for the welcome momentum. Infrastructure needed to increase both private and foreign investment.
"Do not let the momentum is missing. Therefore, investors have started to focus on Indonesia. Therefore, development of adequate infrastructure to spur economic growth in Indonesia could be higher," he said.
He also said the Government was asked to prepare a policy for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) associated with an increase in electricity tariff (TDL) because the business is always in line with government policy.
"SMEs has always been one pillar of the national economy. Do not let SMEs collapsed, because it will reduce the potential of the national economy," he said.
He added that electricity tariffs influential impact on small and medium scale industries and labor-intensive, but the estimated impact of the industry is not very influential.
"Once again the increase in TDL will affect small and medium scale industries and labor intensive. If a major industry in this country is pretty good. But this danger, in the end there is a gap between rich and poor, it is feared there will be provocations that arise," he said.
Subsidies related to fuel oil (BBM) which will be reduced by the government, Chris claimed to agree because it would provide funds for fuel can be transferred to more deserving.

"More than a restriction agreed to increase. Fund subsidies are reduced it can be transferred to a need, such as direct assistance or by any other means to encourage the growth of SMEs," he said. (Ant / HRB)I-D

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