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Monday, February 6, 2012

Ministry of Entrepreneur Hope Meeting reject Rubber BK

MEDAN : Entrepreneurs and farmers hope North Sumatra rubber meeting the imposition of tax on the discussion of the plan (BK) rubber ministries planned in Jakarta, 14 February to decide duty imposed was inappropriate."Employers received information on February 14, conducted a meeting to discuss BK (duty out) rubber at Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs in Jakarta. Hopefully BK canceled the plan," said rubber exporters who asked for his identity is not mentioned, in Medan, Sunday (5/2).
Entrepreneur had previously requested the Indonesian Rubber Companies Association (Gapkindo) protested the plan because it considered the imposition of BK make rubber Indonesia's competitiveness in international markets weakened and hurt farmers.
"Hopefully the government heard a businessman and also a protest against BK rubber farmers," said the businessman who has a garden and crumb rubber plant in North Sumatra.
Secretary Gapkindo North Sumatra, Edy Irwansyah admit, BK's protest plans already submitted to the government.
According to him, the rubber exported is a "buyers market" so that governments make benchmark interest rates for BK, it will be very detrimental to businesses and farmers.
Rubber export trade is also in the form of contract is not physical so diverse and the selling price is not fixed.
Rubber farmers, Restu Kurniawan, said the imposition of the rubber BK confirmed lower purchase price to the farmers who had always until now it was difficult because they have to fend for themselves without the government's attention.
According to the Chairman of the Farmers Restu Rubber Fanayama in South Nias, the lack of government attention, among others, reflected in the price of rubber farmers at prices far below the manufacturer, the number of old plants with low production and farmers are still captivated by the system bonded to the merchant.
Rubber prices in today's farmers eg Rp12.500 - Rp16.000 per kg, while if the price of rubber (bokar) the manufacturer has Rp29.000 - Rp30.000an per kg.
The number of old plants from the farmer's own seed at random.
"Farmers really refuse, because if there is BK, traders / entrepreneurs would reduce the purchase price to the farmers. Government asked to abandon plans to BK," said Restu.
North Sumatra DPRD members, Sudirman Halawa, said the parliament of North Sumatra is also still do not agree with the government's plan to impose a rubber BK because in addition to certain detrimental to farmers, the application of BK was taken by the government without any recommendation akedemis.
BK proceeds from it as well as to the CPO that the Government had imposed unfavorable Sumatra.
"There is no contribution to North Sumatra, while the rubber as well as oil, North Sumatra is also the largest center for commodities," he said. (Ant)Ana

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