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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

District government in Bangka Belitung Oil Permit Requested Limit

PANGKALPINANG : Provincial Government of the Pacific Islands (Babel), asking the district (regency) limit the license for establishment of oil palm plantations, so as not to interfere with the development of agriculture and plantation sectors.
"Currently, the vast plantations reach 30 percent of the land surface area of ​​16424.14 Babel square kilo meters," said Head of Estates Department of Agriculture, Plantation and Livestock Babel, Sunaryo in Pangkalpinang, Monday, February 13, 2012.

He explained that, based on 2009 data, the vast estates held by private 105,351.65 hectares and 52 321 hectares of plantation area, scattered in Bangka regency, South Bangka, West Bangka, Central Bangka, Billiton and the East Pacific Islands.
"This year, oil palm plantation area is expected to increase as the district is still issuing permits large-scale oil palm plantations to the private sector," he said.
In addition, he said, the concept of this palm plantations have deviated from the initial concept, it should be, 50 percent controlled by the farmers and 50 percent controlled by employers, should the private sector can only control 30 percent of land area in the islands.
"Currently, we have not received reports from people who have difficulty opening or expanding their plantations and farms because the land is left is still adequate, but if there is expansion of oil palm plantation land in large numbers dikwatirkan will be more narrow and difficult to develop other sectors," he said .
He said the current parliament is discussing RTRW Babel palm plantations, so that the allotment of land for plantations, mining and tourism have been defined and can be taken if any local government that violates the rules RTRW it.
"Currently, we do not have the authority to take action and hopefully in June 2012, Spatial has been completed, so that we can determine how the allotment or the maximum area of ​​oil palm plantations, pepper, rubber and others," he said.
According to him, if there are no rules to restrict the opening of oil palm plantations, it is not impossible province of Babylon will be filled with oil palm plantations.
"Given these conditions, we were quite concerned about the farmers only a spectator because it does not own the land as a private company controlled by, because no longer compatible with the concept of good estate," he said.
According to him, ideally no oil palm plantations in Babylon could not be separated from the consent of the district policy that gave excessive permissions, so that employers more control of oil palm plantations.
For that, he said, expected the district / city to limit the licensing of oil palm plantations managed by employers and prioritize the farmers in their respective areas.
"This year, we are no longer programmed activities to enhance the expansion of oil palm and rubber plantation development programming, pepper and others to improve the welfare of farmers," he said.(ANt)

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