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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Palm Gardens Not Productive in Riau

PEKANBARU : Approximately 18 102 hectares (ha) of oil palm plantations in Riau Province is no longer productive and require special action from the government.

Plantation Office based on data collected in the province of Riau Pekanbaru, on Wednesday, the majority of non-productive oil palm plantations are managed by local farmers, which reached 17,722 ha.

The rest are oil palm plantations managed by private companies, ie 388 ha.

Only two areas in Riau who did not record oil palm plantations in trouble, the City of Pekanbaru and Islands District Meranti.

Areas with no productive oil palm plantation area's most widely found in Rokan Hulu and Bengkalis, which respectively reached 6307 ha and 6264 ha. Then followed Rokan Hilir reached 2007 ha and Indragiri Hilir approximately 1061 ha.

Meanwhile, other areas with large non-productive oil palm plantations are relatively small in Pelalawan (900 ha), Dumai (519 ha), Indragiri Hulu (323 ha), Siak (149 ha), Kuantan Singingi (138 ha), and Kampar (54 ha).

Public Relations Manager of PT Plantation State (PTPN) V, Otje Murat, said conditions are not productive oil palm plantations is of particular concern because it occurs in plasma farmer who became a partner of the firm's country.

He said, PTPN V won the trust of the central government to conduct the program "replanted" plasma this year.

"We will start the program 'replanted' plantation in Rokan Hulu earlier this year," said Otje.

He explained that the cause of palm trees are no longer productive due to old age more than 20 years.

Even so, the vast non-productive oil palm plantations are relatively small fraction of the total plantation area has now reached 2.1 million ha. From the wide, palm garden which most people achieve more than 51 percent.

Meanwhile, production of crude palm oil (CPO) which can be produced from Riau per year to reach about 7 million tons.

source : (es / ES / bd-ant)

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