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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Foreign Ownership in Plantation will Regulated

MEDAN- The Government will create a new policy on foreign ownership rules for plantations of oil palm plantations following the increasing number of foreign investors who controlled it"The number of estates owned by foreign-controlled national employers are very concerned. There should be a clearer rules for foreign ownership in Indonesia," said Vice Chairman of Commission IV of DPR-RI Soebagyo Word, in Medan, Saturday, November 26, 2011.
It was said after reviewing the dialogue and oil palm plantations in the region register 44 in South Tapanuli problematic, because according to the Ministry of Forestry, the area was included in the forest areas.
The more sad, because many are also reports that sales of land for plantations is carried out under the hand, all the permits are still in the name of the old employer, but in fact the garden was already owned by foreign investors.
"Land tenure estates are increasingly owned by foreigners, and not according to the procedure is very detrimental to the nation and IV negara.Komisi Parliament will seriously discuss and make strict rules of foreign ownership," he said.
According to him, can not be calculated exactly how much is allowed for the ideal number of shares or ownership of land to foreign investors.
"But the rough calculations, the rate of 20-30 percent for foreign stocks is quite high," he said.
In addition to making rules about the percentage that is allowed for foreign ownership, according to the Word, it would suggest the need for palm oil is inserted into the group of food crops.
"Is not cooking oil produced from oil crops is one of the basic food (nine basic) that should receive the government's main concern," he said.
Board of Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki) of North Sumatra, Timbas Prasad Ginting, say, from about 8 million hectares of plantations in Indonesia, about 1.7 million hectares are foreign controlled.
"Probably the number of foreign-owned banks had over 1.7 million hectares because there are few gardens that permission information is still listed by the investors in the country, in fact, already owned by foreigners," he said.
Transfer of ownership of land for plantations hands of private entrepreneurs into the foreign national was also a lot happening in North Sumatra.
While in North Sumatra, the development area is highly unlikely because the land becomes more scarce. (Ant)

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