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Sunday, November 27, 2011

West Lampung Immediately Build Palm Oil Plant

West Lampung soon build a palm oil mill that began in early 2012.
"The construction of the palm oil mills, as a step to harness the potential of oil palm plantations in this area," said Chairman Muna Sustainable Cooperative, West Lampung, Anton Joko Murjono, in Bengkunat Sunday.
He explained,

plant oil derived from the state loan fund of Rp50 billion.
According to him, the loan funds as capital for the construction and operation of the plant.
"I believe when the plant is already running, then the economics of oil palm farmers in West Lampung will be lifted," he said again.
According to him, the meeting related to the plant construction was completed and just waiting for the preparation of such development.
Anton continued, palm oil mill will accommodate the crop farmers who come from several coastal areas, including Krui, South Coast District, Karyapenggawa, Ngambur, Bengkunat, and Bengkunat Carambola.
"The development of palm oil mill will make it easier and profitable for farmers in terms of sales palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) plantations in the coastal areas, because so far the palm growers sold to third parties as placeholders, so the price is low sanngat," said he again .
Smallholders welcomed the plan to build the palm oil mills.
He added, it takes good cooperation between farmers and the cooperative management in running the business ITUT, so the results and set targets can be achieved by either.
"I hope that all lines can fully support this development plan, so the economics of oil palm farmers in West Lampung will be encouraged, and government targets in an effort to increase public kesejakteraan can be achieved with good," he said.
Development of palm oil mill in West Lampung fresh air for smallholders in the area, because until now oil prices at farm level is still very low.
The palm oil mill will accommodate farmers' crops, which will result processing will be delivered in the province of Riau, and then exported abroad.
Production of oil in the entire coastal region average of 400-450 tons per day, so the raw materials needed ensured sufficient.
POM development plan is sourced funds from LPBD-KUMKM of Rp50 billion, including working capital within a period of 25 years.(BD-50152)

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