LAMPUNG - "Land company for approximately 551 hectares planted with corn, the rest with a system of partnership," said CEO Andy Punoko PTPN VII, accompanied by the Head of Public Relations and Protocol, Sandri A Kamil, in Bandarlampung, Saturday, November 26, 2011.
While palm oil to the partnership since 1993 to 2001, PTPN VII has built partnerships garden in Central Lampung regency with a total land area of 8464 ha with the seed value in the form of loans amounting to Rp 8.4 billion.
"Especially for planting corn in the Business Unit Bekri utilize an area of 353 ha of land companies," he said.
Land deliberately planted corn this year to break the ganoderma attacks on oil plants. Therefore, oil palm plantations in Bekri been five generations and spread of the disease is increasingly out of control.
"One way to break the progression of the disease caused by spore and attack the roots of the plant's oil is to replace the temporary commodity," he said.
PTPN VII support national food security program by targeting the growing food crops in an area of 2200 hectares of land both companies and partnerships.
"One way to break the progression of the disease caused by spore and attack the roots of the plant's oil is to replace the temporary commodity," he said.
Sandri added that on Friday (25/11) has been done planting corn by the Deputy Prime Lampung Governor Joko Umar Said.
"Deputy Governor of Lampung expressed appreciation for the PTPN VII who have cooperated with the government of Lampung Province, both in the food security program and the empowerment of farmers," he said.
Deputy Governor was also asked these activities could serve as a regular agenda each year and can be used as a pilot project, a pilot for the company BUMN / se Lampung province, which is a partner of government.
Moreover, said Joko, Lampung Province is the third largest contributor of corn nationally, after the East Java and Central Java.
Based on extensive data of 2011 paen 391 637 ha with productivity of 47.49 kw / ha, production of 1,859,897 tons, up 5.68 percent.
In the meantime, until November 2011 PTPN VII has facilitated the development of an area of 1750 ha of maize, involving 1060 farmers who are members in 58 farmer groups with a large loan 5 billion more.(Ant/EKsp)
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