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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thus the Elected Humbahas Rubber Regional Cluster Development

Doloksanggu-l. District Humbang Hasundutan (Humbahas) have great potential for the development of rubber in North Sumatra (North Sumatra). This potential is also supported by the available land area is still quite large, reaching 300 thousand hectares are scattered in the District Onanganjang, Sijamapolang, Pakkat, Parlilitan and Tarabintang."Therefore, Humbahas elected as cluster development area of ​​rubber in North Sumatra," said
Head of Small and Medium Industries Subdis Agro Chemical Industry of Forest Products (IKAHH) Department of Industry and Trade of North Sumatra Pomegranate Pangaribuan to MedanBisnis, Friday (25/11) at the Workshop on Cluster Development Rubber in North Sumatra.
The event was attended by 90 participants consisting of actors over the rubber and the farmers of the West Pakpak, North Tapanuli and Toba Samosir. "From our analysis, the tendency of cluster development potential of this rubber is perfect in District Pakpak Humbahas and West," he said.
Delima said, based on research results the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and viewed from geographically Humbahas rubber development is suitable especially with the availability of a wide area. "Rubber has traditionally cultivated in Humbahas, but the plantations are not yet there," he said.
He said that the Provincial Government of North Sumatra (Pempropsu) has a program to develop the rubber industry cluster to increase the economic value added and competitiveness of local production. For a cluster of rubber is expected to improve the welfare of rubber farmers in Humbahas.
Because it says Delima, Regency Humbahas expected to adopt policies in order to make a recommendation pembutatan land titles, to take advantage of the bank's equity. "The creation of institutional strength, it can be seen from the synergy between the regional budget and the budget for strengthening provincial capital. The development of rubber plantations in Humbahas solely for the welfare of the people Humbahas, "he explained.
As known, in 2014 Medium-Term Program Plan for North Sumatra to make development in downstream rubber to meet the adequacy of raw materials. Rubber production centers in North Sumatra to the continuity of the rubber cluster must be assured supply of raw materials, then attempted to locate the cluster to the adequacy of raw materials.
"Government Appreciation Humbahas pretty good with this program and expect a lot of rubber so that clusters can be realized in Humbahas Humbahas thus become one of the producers of rubber in North Sumatra," said Head of the Ancient JW Peridagkop Humbahas MedanBisnis in his office in Doloksanggul. (Ck 10)/MB

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