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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Super Hurricane Threatens Usagi Some Asian Countries

Badai Super Usagi Ancam Sejumlah Negara Asia

A number of Asian countries are expected to face one of the biggest storms of the year. At least the Philippines, Taiwan and China will be the arrival of the super-powered storms, Usagi.
Usagi is the most powerful storm of the Pacific for the year 2013. Wind speed in the storm Usagi is expected to reach 240 Kilometers (km) per hour. Usagi considered equivalent to a category five storm. As reported by the Voice of America, Saturday (09/21/2013).

Philippine government that will receive the storm had started doing security efforts. They evacuated some residents of villages located in the northern coast of the Philippines.

Philippine meteorologists had hoped Usagi center of the storm will stop in the southern Taiwan. However, the center of the storm turned out to turn toward the northeast Philippines.

Meanwhile Taiwan reportedly Usagi storm on Friday, September 20th. Usagi hurricane strength in Taiwan is also very powerful, wind speed reached 150 km per hour. (why)

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